Name: Marley Jane Simonis
Year: Junior
Major: Exercise Science
Minor: Dance
Years of Dance Training: 15
Dance Troupe experience: Third year performing, second year choreographing
Favorite type of dance: Definitely anything related to jazz
What’s your song for this year’s concert?
A mix of PYT, Billie Jean, and Dirty Diana…by Michael Jackson
A mix of PYT, Billie Jean, and Dirty Diana…by Michael Jackson
Why did you choose this song?
It’s simple: I love Michael Jackson. Whenever I hear one of his songs, I just can’t help but dance. The dude was able to create music that I believe will last many generations.
What is your dance about?
It is about the legacy that we leave after we pass away. What you do now will leave an impression on someone, whether that is one person, or 20 million. MJ has left his mark in history and on the entertainment world. He had a tremendous impact on pop music culture that will be remembered for a very long time, whether it was positive or negative is your opinion. We have to remember that every one of us has the potential to have an impact on the world – what kind of legacy will you leave?
Who is in your dance?
AH I love my dancers. My beautiful girls are: Seniors Emily Thomas as Lindsay Cope; Juniors Michelle McAloon and Danni Jones; Sophomores Brynn Barber and Suzannah Forbes; and Freshman Abbey Smyth. Then we have one incredible guy and that is Junior Alex Peters.
What do you want the audience to get from this number?
A smile. I always choreograph with the intent to be entertaining and Michael Jackson was an entertainer -everything he did was a show. I want the audience to understand the message behind the piece, but more importantly I want them to enjoy the artistry that is classic pop music and pop jazz dance.
What is your favorite part of being involved with Dance Troupe?
Well obviously the part where we dance a lot, ha-ha. But equally as great as that is the people I get to practice and perform with. The friendships and bonds you have with your fellow dancers are like no other relationship. We truly get to know each other on a personal level and I love that. Seeing these people on a regular basis is awesome – it’s a great group - and performance week in March is one of my favorite weeks of the year.
I love this idea of each choreographer sharing her story . . . Bravo, Marley!!!!!!!!